Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Adventures of Dan Saywer and Mark Finn

The Adventures of Dan Sawyer and Mark Finn?

When I was growing up, navigating the ranks of Stagecoach Elementary School, I hated to read.  Why would I want to sit inside with a book when there was an entire world outside to explore?  There was one exception, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” I didn’t read it as much as studied it, trying to seek out adventures that I could emulate in woods outside my house.  Of course I wasn’t trying to run away from an abusive father with an escaped slave like Huck was, but I didn’t know the difference.  My best friend at the time (and still is) was Dan, he favored Tom Sawyer to Huck Finn, there was an innocence to the character of Tom Sawyer that resonated in Dan.  In my mind I was different, Huck was a survivor, and so was I.
 If you watched us from afar, you might have been inclined to think that we were troublemakers, or just downright crazy. You might have been right.  It might have looked like we were hiding from the dirt bikers for no reason, but what you didn’t know was the dirt bikers were looking for the same treasure as we were, and would kill the competition on sight.  Maybe when we had a third friend, it looked like it was just three punks exploring the woods instead of two, but what you didn’t know was the third was actually an escaped slave that we were helping get back to his family.  When we found remnants of what must have been a circus and tried to track it down, we got chased from Baldhill on the Fourth of July with gunshots (fireworks) exploding right over our heads!  Whenever we met other kids in the woods we assumed that they were con men and naturally had a seething distrust of them.  The time we found the lighter and lit a towel on fire?  Well that was just stupid, but you get the point.
The woods we use to explore have all been torn down and replaced with housing.  I can remember sitting in those woods studying the back of my hand, hoping that one day I could know my hand like I did those woods.  Even though the woods my childhood has been paved over, our adventures live on.  Of course the memoirs of our adventures were written over a hundred years before we born, but they are our adventures nonetheless.  The Adventures of Dan Sawyer and Mark Finn. 

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